Like any business, podcasting requires investment. That means putting in the time, effort, enthusiasm, and ultimately, money. Success in the world of podcasting hinges on your ability to monetize your brand, so sponsorships, memberships, and/or branded products are vital to the longevity of your podcast.

Everything hinges on your ability to sell your ideas, expertise, and your likeability as a host. Being able to monetize your hobby and turn it into a business is just an extension of that. If you want to succeed, you’ll have to go all in to serve both your sponsors and your listeners.

Finding The Right Podcast Sponsor

So how do you find the right businesses to sponsor your podcast?

  1. Two-Way Patronage

Start with businesses that you already support. If there’s a business that you’ve been patronizing for years, you’re already a good candidate to advertise for them because you can vouch for their product/service. Plus, you’ve invested money with them, so they may be more open to investing in you. 

  1. Understand Your Audience (And Theirs)

Curating a good set of sponsors means understanding what your audience wants and needs. Prioritize sponsorship from companies that align with the interests of your podcast. For example, if you host a before-bed soothing/meditation type podcast, consider asking for sponsorships from companies advertising herbal tea, mattresses, yoga studios, organic groceries, and the like.

  1. Use Your Toolkit

Be sure to use every tool in your arsenal to secure potential sponsorships. Pursue leads via email and social media, including Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, TikTok, Snapchat, and more. And when you’re finally ready to launch, do it in a way that attracts the attention of prospective sponsors. Show them why you’re worth investing in! 

  1. Come Prepared

Your toolkit should also come equipped with a prepared sponsorship letter and a media kit outlining your marketing plan, audience profile, and listenership numbers. This shows them that you are professional, savvy, and a go-getter.

  1. Ad Networks

Most podcasting software has a listener minimum for advertising, sometimes as high as 15,000 per month. Other hosting software, like Podcast Recipe, has a built-in ad network that you can access when you join their pro platform. With tools like this, you can start advertising even when the listenership is low.

Done-For-You Podcasting Tools

At Podcast Recipe, we do more than just coach you on your podcast launch. We work alongside you with done-for-you essential podcasting services, from icon graphic design, RSS host set up and publishing, marketing, and launch planning. Together, we’ll make sure that your podcast launch is a HIT.

Reach out today to learn more.