
Your Customer Holds The Key

Your Customer Holds The Key

They say the customer is always right… but right about what, exactly? 

This principle shouldn’t just apply to restaurant-goers who insist their steak is overdone. In fact, soliciting customer feedback shouldn’t just be a reactive strategy to see where you went wrong. Your customers can offer a wealth of information that can help you improve your marketing strategy, products/services, client interactions, and overall performance. All you need to do is observe and ask!

Getting the Feedback You Need

So, what are the best ways to get feedback from your customers? There are a few different methods, and which one(s) you use depends on your target audience and your business model.

Active feedback:

    • Create polls in your Instagram story. This is a simple but highly effective way to solicit customer feedback, especially if you’re catering to a younger (18-40ish) clientele. The great thing about Instagram stories is that you can add all kinds of fun visuals to your poll; all it takes to vote is a single click, and it goes away after a certain period so that it won’t affect the overall look of your feed.
  • Conduct focus and test groups. This is a much lengthier way to get customer feedback, but it’s also much more comprehensive. You can create a diverse group of test subjects to see how your strategy plays out across various ages, genders, races, and lifestyle factors.

Passive feedback

  • Evaluate your website metrics. Use digital tools to measure your website’s most frequently visited pages. This can also help you assess (or reassess) your sales pipeline, aka how many page clicks have converted into sales and brand loyalty. 
  • Run digital ads and assess their performance. You can analyze how different ads perform on different media platforms (i.e., Instagram vs. Facebook vs. Snapchat, etc.). This can also help you see who is interested in your products/services and how willing they are to move from ad consumption to actual purchasing – yet another sales pipeline assessment tool.

Whether you ask your customers outright or simply follow the trail of digital breadcrumbs, a savvy businessperson will know that customers don’t just provide the dollars—they also provide the insight. 

Want to learn how to turn customer feedback into valuable data that grows your business? Schedule a call today


Your Customer Holds The Key

Your Customer Holds The Key They say the customer is always right… but right about what, exactly?  This principle shouldn’t just apply to restaurant-goers who insist their steak is overdone. In fact, soliciting customer feedback shouldn’t just be a reactive strategy to see where you went wrong. Your customers can offer a wealth of information

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